Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Blog Tour: Rent A Bae by Unoma Nwankwor


Title:  Rent A Bae

Author:  Unoma Nwkanwor 

Genre:  Closed Door Christian Romance

Publication date:  June 17, 2022

Publisher:  KevStel Publications

Rating:  💥💥💥💥💥

About the Book

He's an award-winning actor so pulling off this charade should be easy, right? Except he didn't count on his pretend "girl" being... her.

Arinze Kalu

The continuation of the Kalu name lay on my shoulders.
At least that's what my grandmother claims. And she's on a mission to ensure it won't die there.
I wasn't planning on visiting Nigeria anytime soon, so I'd been doing a pretty good job of tap dancing around her threats to find me a wife.
After a scandal that almost engulfed me at the beginning of my career, I'm determined to take my time choosing a partner.
Between establishing my company, filming, press, and traveling for my new movie, I simply don't have that time.
Now, my sister is getting married, and I'll be face to face with my grandmother. If things had worked out with the caramel goddess I met on New Year's Eve, I probably would've been good. Since it didn’t, my cousins suggest I rent a bae.

Jasmine Bowman
My life is a bad horror film and I'm ready to change the channel.
Between my job where I'm overworked, underpaid, and skipped over for promotion and my tired, played-out situation with my boyfriend, something had to give.
Let's not forget Mr. Butterscotch who I met on New Year's Eve. I could've bet money there was a vibe, but I guess not. I tell myself, I don't need him anyway. I need my mind to get the memo because my more immediate priority is to stop being a disappointment to the Bowman name. I'm getting back into the director's seat of my life. The cost, however, isn't cheap. I need money and my best friend has the craziest idea

My thoughts

This was such a beautifully written book.  There were two things that stood out to me that I absolutely loved.  First,  how they were able to go for their dreams, no matter how scary it would be to make that type of change.  And second, there were a lot of diaspora war issues that were dispelled throughout the book.  It makes me really want to travel to the mother land, and I hope I'm able to some day, and reading this makes me want to even that much more.  I definitely am working on getting to the next book in the series.   

About the Author 

Unoma Nwankwor writes Inspirational Contemporary romances that span Africa and its Diaspora. She weaves romantic tales for readers who enjoy stories centered around faith, family, and the rich culture of Africa. Through the pages, she promises you humor, tight hugs, forehead kisses, and above all else, redemptive, sacrificial love.

Her readers are in love with her unique way of telling stories that capture the essence of her present home base in the USA and her Nigerian culture. Unoma wears many hats, but the one she's most proud of is, mother of two kids and wife to her film director husband.

You can catch her writing from the comfort of her bedroom nook with a pack of pepperoni slices and a cup of java.

Keep up with Unoma by joining her newsletter on her

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